Renovation Halle 550
In the north of Zurich, in the historic industrial district near Oerlikon train station, the event location Halle 550, the “new Swiss lighthouse project for trade fairs, congresses, workshops and exhibitions”, is currently being built. The building, an industrial monument belonging to ABB, will be taken over by the Genossenschaft Migros Zürich (GMZ) and operated as a flexible event and culture hall with “plug & play” concept and “suppliers choice” for 20 years.
The venue Halle 550 was refurbished for a new use in 1998 and 1999. Apparently, it has proven itself in the interests of all those involved since. In the hall conglomerate, which was built step by step between 1896 and 1930, there used to be the test facility II and the rectifier construction, the assembly hall IV as well as a winding shop and a workshop.
As some of the last architectural witnesses to the industrial past of Neu Oerlikon, the ABB halls are of great importance for the history of the city. In the course of the revision of the special building regulations, the halls will finally be preserved and most of them will be placed under protection. On this basis, the halls are gently renovated and technically upgraded, taking the building structure into account, so that they can be used for public and corporate events. The industrial charm of the building is retained. With the creation of the MFO Park, the original halls were shortened and given a temporary facade. This urban cut in industrial architecture is being reinterpreted.